English traslation:
The Zoning Board announces a public hearing ,. The hearing will be on Tuesday, November 30, at 8:10 p.M. It will be held at East Lake City Hall. A request made by allied hardware store will be discussed. Allied hardware store wants to make a change to your building permit. The company wants to build a parking lot.
Parking is intended to be in a residential neighborhood. It is not normally allowed to build parking lots in residential neighborhoods. Allied hardware store's petition is filed with the Zoning Board. The plans are on file there too. They are available to the public at the Urban Zoning Office.
Answer: Mi mamá y mi papá son divertidos y cortos, mi papá es estricto mientras que mi mamá es muy libre. ¿Cuántos años tienen tus padres?
Chicken sandwiches are very good you should go try one at Chick-fil-A they are very good man you’ll love it