Great me, and How are you
St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers
Bottles, bike wheels, and folk art
no explanation
A song with a time signature of 4/4 has four beats in a measure, and is counted like this: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, etc. By far, 4/4 is the most common time signature you'll run into. In fact, 4/4 is so common that it is often called common time.
The time signature is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef and key signature. Time signatures consist of two numbers written like a fraction. The top number of the time signature tells you how many beats to count. This could be any number.
Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed.
Teacher told me