A cell is a specific location within a spreadsheet and is defined by the intersection of a row and column. ... For example, the cell A3 is located in the first column (A), in the third row of a spreadsheet. The cell B3 would be immediately to the right of A3 and the cell A4 would be directly below it.
Usually, kids at this age are easily influenced by anything they see, either in their life, or on TV. So they will often try to imitate what happens on TV, whether consciously or unconsciously, that is not that important. Also, many studies have dealt with this question, and whether or not violence on TV actually causes violence of people in real life, but the results were always inconclusive.
It was much lighter and easier to carry unlike the coins they normally used.
Greece is the third largest producer of olives
Greece is home to more archeological museums than any other country in the world
Greece is one of the sunniest places in the world