C. canal porque lo intenté con las otras palabras y no tenían sentido
Answers are: 1) Café. 2) Papas. 3) Cena 4) Pan. 5) Tinto 6) Chuleta 7) Atún 8) Jugo 9) Naranjas 10) Azúcar
"Café" is coffee. "Makes her nervous". ("Nerviosa" ending in "A" reffers to a woman).
"Papas fritas" are french fries.
"Cena" is dinner. "Nueve de la noche" (at) nine o'clock.
"Pan tostado" is toasted bread.
"Vino tinto" is red wine.
"Chuleta de cerdo" is a pork chop.
"Atún" is tuna.
"Jugo de naranja" is orange juice.
"Naranjas" are oranges.
"Azúcar" is sugar.
English traslation:
The coronavirus vaccine is you, we're all
Stay home.
Ç un ferviente Vjjfdrtyy hahaha escribís crees
is there any options for the fill in the blank?