Not getting the praise he needs, this can make him feel like his hard work is for nothing.
Hi, there!
If you mean Percy then it would've been Grover who was his best friend! He's pretty much a Satyr - which basically means he has goat like similarities! If I'm not mistaken it does say he's a goat below the waist and he does have horns!
Good luck, rockstar! Have a great day!
The unique characteristics of this form of writing is that it takes the reader on a journey through the various stages of exploration that the writer experiences. For instance, in finding out information on a topic the writer would explain to the reader why he chose one resource over that one and so on.
Dashes are where you would pause.
Therefor you would say, "The storm seems to be over (slight pause) (thinking, no, wait, it isn't) no, the sky is darkening again."