It let them live in freedom
It gave them their own property
The repartimiento system was a system that came after the initially encomienda system. The Native American population were rapidly declining, and the plan of the colonists to use them as labor force was falling apart. Since they did not see any usage from labor point of view, and plus because of the intensive mixing between the populations, the Native Americans were freed, so they were not obligated to work. If they wanted to work, than they had the same rights as the colonists, and they were supposed to get wage for their work. Also, one of the things gained by the native populations was that now they had the right to have their own land, which in turn help them in their economic stability and opportunities in life.
Eugene Talmadge won his first election as governor in 1932. Therefore, the correct answer is the number 4.
As nomadic group of people which belonged to the region around the Capsian Sea, The Huns were responsibles for the Great Migration<em>.</em>
With brutal invasions of the regions sorrounding the Roman Empire, this tribe encouraged such migration, also known as the "Wandering of the Nations", which began between 300 and 700 CE, and was formed by the Alans, Goths, and Vandals among others.
They moved fast and were successful at battle. In 370 CE, they defeated and conquered the Alans, by 376 CE had pushed the Goths into Roman territory, and by 379 CE had pushed the people under the leadership of Athanaric into the Caucalands. These attacks produced a <em>domino effect </em>since many tribes, in their escape, sought refuge in Roman territory.
Such migration altered the conditions of roman society and eventually, after many insurrections and raids from these tribes, the Western Empire was weakened and collapsed.
The plains culture tribes were the tribes that were located in the Great Plains of North-America, that form the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming , Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, they are the most typical and known tribes of north america and were nomads, their diet consisted on buffalo and crops they could gather. As they were nomads they were the most affected by the arrival of the colonizer because their way of life was uncompatible with the European way and all efforst to colonize them were unsuccessfull.
Pennsylvania railroad
Pennsylvania railroad as a supervisor. At the age of 33 in NYC, Carnegie wrote a letter to himself.