understanding of Texts socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. In a multi-paragraph journal!
Also the text says 8 pts, but it only gives 5 points...
glittering generalities
Glittering generalities refer to emotional and engaging phrases or expressions which carry extremely valuable and respected ideas and thoughts that are not supported by reason or evidence. They are typically used by politicians who intend to attract voters by appealing to feelings like patriotism and splendor. In fact, the phrase given does not provide any information or proof on how the speaker will achieve his or her statement.
Transcript of Irony in "The Pardoner's Tale" Pardoners sold pardons—official documents from Rome that pardoned a person's sins. The Pardoner in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is dishonest. The Pardoner often preaches about how money is the root of all evil
A preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon etc. of or relating to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: Antecedent.
The answer is Option A.
<u>An example: </u>
Some antecedents to the Native American novel might exist in Native American’s oral traditions.
Something produced or manufactured in one's own country to give up possession or occupancy of: Domestic.
The answer is Option B.
<u>An example: </u>
Khadi is a domestic product of India.
To give up or relinquish (an office, position, etc.): Vacate.
The answer is Option D.
<u>An example: </u>
The landlord asked us to vacate the room if the rent wasn’t paid by the 10th of this month.
To develop gradually: Evolve.
The answer is Option C.
<u>An example: </u>
Rahul evolved from a shy boy to a confident and self-independent man.
ack London was known for writing stories about the classic conflict between humans and nature. This lesson will summarize the plot and structure of his short story ~'Up the Slide~', which tells Clay Dilham's attempt to tackle what he thinks is a simple task but turns out to be a test of the power of nature in the Klondike region.