World War One, World War Two, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. ... focuses on the comparison of events that led to a similar situation in WWI and WWII that ... of Europe declared war against each other.
Five Motives<span> for </span>Imperialism<span>. Various </span>motives<span> prompt empires to seek to expand their rule over other countries or territories. These include economic, exploratory, ethnocentric, political, and religious </span>motives<span>.</span>
Don Ray’s desire to gain insight into his home country of Canada took him to an unexpected place — Africa.
While in university, Ray was faced with the choice of studying either Canadian or African politics.
“I thought that I would better understand my country by understanding what was happening in other parts of the world and then bringing lessons back from there to Canada.”
Now a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary, Ray is still learning lessons in Africa that he hopes to share with the North.
He created the school of Fontainbleau