Spending reduction and tax reduction
President Theodore Roosevelt was a reformer president to the extent that he was a true progressive--especially when it came to domestic issues. He enforced labor laws that protected workers, and was one of the first true conservationists--carving out large chunks of land for national parks.
The characterization of mercantilism as a "set of practices" demonstrates the absence of a preconceived plan for the economic policy of European countries that, between the 16th and 18th centuries, disputed slices of American territory to keep them in the condition of colonies. During this period, in Europe, the wealth available in the world was thought of as something that could not be expanded, and therefore the absolutist states strove to secure for themselves as much of this supposedly limited wealth as possible. Gold and silver, circulating in the form of coins or locked in the coffers of kings were understood as their translation, hence the true search fever of the so-called metals
The gelatin wouldn't set, so it wouldn't actually turn into gelatin.