You will write a testimonial including your personal information and activities you do to reduce stress. The testimony in English and have a minimum of 5 paragraphs! IN ENGLISH, and 5 PARAGRAPHS AS A MINIMUM!
Permission Letter
To the principal,
Dear Sir/Madam
I hope this gets you well, I will like to ask for a permission tomorrow, I will not be attending school because an emergency came up unexpectedly and I will like to attend to the matter. I will try to compensate for the lost time that I will bit attend the lessons. I hope you understand and I will be waiting for your soonest response. Thank you
Teacher Jaime
1. C)students
2. A)students’
3. B)student’s
She designs machines, for a manufacturing company.
I think this means
a part of kindness involves with loving people a lot more then they deserve.
basically like think of your mom, a part of kindness is to like love her more because she deserves it