It makes your subject appear smaller and further away.
Think about when you look at an apple, when you look at it really close it appears larger, but as you move away from it, it gets smaller, and smaller, and further away. The same thing with a traffic light, you see it almost every day, and it looks small, because it's far away, but when you see it up close and near you, it is larger.
If you’re talking only about a standard-tuned 6-string guitar played without any extended techniques, then the lowest pitch is E2, and the highest (depending on the model) is about B5.
I would like to learn more about abstract art because of all it's controversies. I would like to better understand what can and cannot be considered abstract art . What types of abstract art forms are there? The reason I want to learn about this is to better understand the type of art I draw.
going to the science fiction thing cuz they already want to know that stuff so it makes since and if they where well known actors in the since world it would mean more people going up to them and in turn more people being told about it