A mad scientist is generally called "mad"/ "insane", because of unsettling characteristics, and the dangerous/questionable experiments they run and work on. For example, the creator of frankenstein, from 1818, was said to be a mad scientist, this isnt like the green monster, its the person who sticked different things to different people and tried to run electricity through it to act as a heart, also just to see if he could create a human like creature. THATS a maad scientist, but the stereotype mad scientist according to wikipedia, is white male, aging, crooked teeth, messy hair, lab coat, green glowing liquid filled test tube, goggles, gloves, and striking a dramatic pose while cackling evilly
This question refers to the story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst.
1. The story "The Scarlet Ibis" is told from the perspective of Doodle's older brother. This child is referred to in the story as "Brother." There are several reasons why the story might be told from Brother's perspective. First, the story focuses on the relationship between the two brothers. Therefore, it is more informative for the reader if a brother narrates the events, as opposed to another member of the family. Moreover, Doodle has a developmental problem, which makes Brother the most reliable narrator of the two.
2. If the story was written from the parents' perspective, there would be significant changes in tone and mood. It is likely that the parents would not understand the connection between the brothers in the same way that Brother understands them. Moreover, it is also likely that the parents would have more pity and compassion for Doodle than Brother has.
3. If the scene was rewritten from Old Woman Swamp's point of view, it is likely that the scene would feature both brothers more prominently. First, it might show the struggle that Doodle faces earlier, which might indicate to the reader that Doodle might be in danger. Moreover, this point of view would probably focus less on the inner thoughts of Brother and more in the way the brothers interact with one another.
C. There is no mention or anything revolving Romance. Anyone who read or seen it would know.
Entry B:
Knight, Jonas. "Controversial Judging at the Olympics." Time, 14 Feb. 2002, pp. 70-71.
Entry B is the correct entry because it fulfills the requirements of the MLA Citation Style.
MLA (Modern Language Association) Citation Style is the style that is usually used in the humanities. In the MLA style, there is the use of brief parenthetical citations in the text. This usually refer to an alphabetical list of works that are cited and which appear at the end of the work.
The MLA style for articles is thus:
Author Last Name, Author First Name. "Article Title." Journal Title, Version, Number, Publication Date, Page Numbers.