Reproductive cells have half the amount of chromosomes than body cells
I think that you are talking about body cells when you say "most cells in an organism." If that is the case, then the reproductive cells, sperm and egg cells, have half the amount of chromosome than body cells.
For example: Human body cells have 46 chromosomes. Human reproductive cells has 23 chromosomes.
In sexual reproduction, each parent gives 1/2 of a full set of chromosomes to create the full set needed for an organism.
Winds up the replicated DNA Strand
Catalase is an enzyme used to accelerates chemical reactions in the human body. The performance of an enzyme depends on the pH levels. Catalase performs best at the optimum pH of 7. However, it weakens or denatures at pH levels above 10 though the range may differ on other species.
Vertraes have a back bone. invertebrates dont have a back bone or any bones