Ud aprende el inglés
Juan come en el restaurante
Los niños viven en california
Uds leen las Lecciones
En la pizarra escribes la lección
<span>The excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes" which expresses an opinion is - I wonder if they will even exist for my children. Assuming the other options are starving children around the world, countless animals dying across this planet, and holes in the ozone, then the only correct answer is the one I wrote above. The remaining options are facts, whereas the correct option is her personal opinion about the subject she is talking about. </span>
I don't know how many examples do you need but I left some ideas below.
Lee el tema del día antes de cada clase.
No uses tu celular durante clase.
No te vayas antes de clase.
Comprá los libros necesarios.
Preguntá las dudas que tengas.
No comas en clase.
No interrumpas al profesor durante la clase.
No hables durante la clase.
You could say this Para de leer