by the stock of superlatives the author means the group of people who were superlative or of high post or standard in the audience.
And the sentence means that the person exhausted or astonished the minds of his audience that even the superlatives were surprised by his lecture and said the first after Desmond Tutu in 2008 to get a standing ovation or the highest standard of applause to him.
That’s so much to read sorry
teaches a lesson
can be analyzed to reveal an implicit meaning
uses characters to represent real people or abstract ideas
Allegory is a figure of speech that proposes to add symbolism and subjectivity to a text, requiring the reader to interpret what is being presented in order to understand a message. This message is often a moral and ethical lesson that must be interpreted through the narrative as a whole. Despite having this subjective nature, allegory can be used through characters and events that can be both real and fictional.
consist of a single, independent clause