well, in the begining i would stand my ground. you are the one working you are in charge at the moment they should have resected that. if they did not and they degraded you and put you down and continued anyway they might have been useing you. as harsh as it is the person in question need better frinds they deserve better. anyway, afterword if the boss came out. have a formal conversation about the issue. explaine that you did what you thought was right in the moment and ask if there was anything the boss would have prefered happened.
the way he pictures the Sun being a horse-driver, and owning a barn
First, pick a feeling. This could be as vague and easy as anger~sadness~excitement~fear, or as nuanced as contentment... etc.
Then go through your senses and find words and concepts that remind you of that feeling. ie, Anger:
-FEEL the beating heart and heat in face and blood, the sweaty palms
-HEAR a ringing in your ears, or a shout you make
-SEE your vision become tunnely and closed off, or your face go read
-TASTE metallic in your mouth, or blood, or a food that reminds you of a time you were angry
Now, think of words that'll describe those senses. A beating heart is POUNDING and DEAFENING...
The feeling is your MOOD, establish this first ("I was angry"). Then use the descriptive WORDS to describe the SENSES.