1. False
2. idk
3. Shu and Tefnut created them
4. True
5. animal, immortal, and human.
6. Seth
7. idk
8. idk
9. idk
10. True
to avoid plagiarism, provide appropriate credit to your sources by adding author–date in-text citations for direct quotations and ideas (e.g., credit the originators of theories). If you model a study after one conducted by someone else, give credit to the author of the original study.
C. He is laid back
being laid back has no negative connotation.
n Example of Internal Motivation
Dimensions of Internal Motivation. Individuals may define and express their internal needs differently, but psychologists have found a cluster of core motivating principles.
Lessons From a Personal Trainer. Excellent personal trainers are masters at motivating their clients. ...