D. vacuole
A vacuole holds water, food, waste, nutrients, proteins, and carbohydrates. It also removes harmful things that can damage cells.
The myth shows the moment when the sun melts the wings of Icarus, while the painting does not present this moment. This detail shows that nature contributes to the death of Icarus.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- The painting shows only the death of Icarus, showing the moment when he fell into the water and drowned.
- The purpose of the painting is to show how the universe and all other human beings remained indifferent to Icarus' death.
- Although the myth also features the death of Icarus, it sets out in more detail.
- The myth shows why Icarus wanted to use the waxwings and why these wings melted.
The myth focuses on nature's action on the death of Icarus, while the painting reinforces the universe's indifference to this death.
This question is about “Landscape of the Fall of Icarus.”
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