According to a website, it describes how Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that "glide over the mantle (which is the rocky inner layer)"
So, basically, it's talking about how the Earth's crust is structured.
Definition: a theory that is describing (or explaining) the structure of Earth's crust
Establishing the first Egyptian democracy
The variable that records the exact time at which each probationer has arrived is a continuous variable.
When a variable is continuous, it means that there is an infinite number of possible values. Times are measured by decimal numbers with can present infinit values because, for instance, one subject might arrive at 2pm 30min 24,01 seconds and the following at 2pm 30min 24,00001 seconds.
One the other hand, a finite number of values is available in discrete variables. For example, a variable measuring the gender of the subjects is discrete because it contains only two possible values: man/woman.
Both state and national government were equal authorities operating within their own spheres of influence.
Answer: Hannah felt this way because her body couldn't differentiate between good stress and bad stress. Hannah had a wonderful wedding, but ended up tired due to the stress-response