La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Previo al Frente Nacional, existió en Colombia un modelo de gobierno auspiciado por el general Rojas Pinilla. Este gobierno se caracterizó por ser autoritario en el cual, en mayor o menor grado, las instituciones ejecutivas, legislativas y judiciales son controladas por las fuerzas armadas que impiden cualquier forma de control democrático. A este tipo de gobiernos se les conoce como dictaduras militares y totalitarias.
En el caso concreto del General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, instauró un gobierno militar después de conseguir con éxito un golpe militar que depuso al Presidente en turno, Laureano Gómez. Rojas y su autoritario gobierno militar comenzó en 1953 y duró hasta 1957.
Este tipo de gobierno, comúnmente se caracterizan por suprimir las libertades individuales y limitar la libre expresión de los ciudadanos.
They were pretty mad that they got kicked off of their land, we took their land because there was gold there and we made them walk on the trail of tears
A. Partitition of India and Pakistan
B. Establishment of the caste system
C. British colonization of the Indian subcontinent
D. Gandhi's Salt March
In order: B-C-D-A
His central teachings, that the Bible is the central source of spiritual authority and that deliverance is reached through faith and not doing, shaped the nature of Protestantism.
- Although Luther was required of the Catholic Church, he alienated himself from the radical successors who took up his mantle.
- Luther's belief in reason by faith led him to question the Catholic Church's rules of self-indulgence. He objected not only to the church's desire but to the very idea of indulgences.
- He did not acknowledge the Catholic Church had the power to forgive people sins.
<h3>What were Martin Luther's views about the Bible?</h3>
Luther and other Reformers reasserted the power of the Scripture unaided, as opposed to practice and church hierarchy. They maintained that redemption comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ independently, to the glory of God alone.
To learn more about Luther's belief, refer