he believed it was about preserving the Union
The 7th amendment states that civil cases such as lawsuits with an amount greater than $20 that are based on disagreements between businesses or people, have a right to be decided by a jury in federal court. After the jury settled the case it should go back to trial again. This amendment relates to the theme of freedom because our freedom is determined by the jury during cases and not a the government. By having the jury determining our freedom in cases it protects our rights from being abused by the government.
He can be explain as such due to his radical ideals and the ways he pursued them. He saw his views as right so he set out to accomplishing them anyway he possibly could using extremely harsh solutions like the gas chamber being a fanatical despot in creating in his words a great germany
Because in that certain case the defendant had to prove that there was discrimination against his race, as some believed there wasn't