C, without a court system the Rebels couldn't be actually dealt with
The supporters of shi’ahs are called Shiites.
The religion of Islam has been bifurcated into two broad divisions. These divisions are of Sunni Islam and Shia Islam.
The followers of Sunni Islam believe that a friend of Muhammad named Abu Baker was chosen as his scion after the death of Muhammad.
The Shia's contradict with that proposition and believe that the nephew of Muhammad was chosen to take the responsibility of taking Islam forward.
They ignored it
The Boland Amendment aimed to prohibit the federal government from providing support to the Contras in Nicaragua. Instead of directly getting involved like that, they decided to ask someone else to support it, and that was Iran. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo which meant that the Contras were able to buy arms (guns) from Iran to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, and this ended up being a political scandal in Reagan's administration.
SNCC wanted to use more confrontational strategies. They wanted to be upfront and get the issue delt with.