transcription is after the helicase unzips the DNA strand and copies the segment and then moves it and so it can be translated into amino acids
Increasing salinity<span> also increases the </span>density<span> of sea </span>water<span>. Less dense </span>water<span> floats on top of more dense </span>water<span>. Given two layers of </span>water<span> with the same </span>salinity<span>, the warmer </span>water<span> will float on top of the colder </span>water<span>. ... </span>Temperature<span> has a greater </span>effect<span> on the </span>density<span> of </span>water<span> than </span>salinity<span> does</span>
Panthera pardus
leopard, (Panthera pardus), , also called panther, large cat closely related to the lion, tiger, and jaguar. (credit to brititanica articles)