odious, hateful ,rebellion
I say that because Rebellion means an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler, hateful means arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred, odious extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
Hi! Someone there is Brazilian?? We are a family owned and operated business.
<u>Tanka poems always have a structure, but not the rhyme.</u>
They follow the pattern of syllables which goes like this:
- line - 5 syllables
- line - 7 syllables
- line - 5 syllables
- line - 7 syllables
- line - 7 syllables
It is very similar to haiku, but a bit longer and more elaborate. It also uses metaphors and allusions, and no punctuation.
<u>Even when translated on English it doesn't seem to us tanka has a structured form, we must know that on the original Japanese version it is structured with the model showed above.</u>
Your goals and your dreams are the most important things you have to put your effort into, to start you have to reach your inner peace with yourself, believe in it, avoid the distractions and focus on yourself, your dreams and your goals in life so then you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be.