The Warren Court reached a 6-2 verdict in favor of Baker. A lack of political question, previous court intervention in apportionment affairs and equal protection under the 14th amendment gave the court enough reason to rule on legislative apportionment. Court gained power to rule on apportionment laws.
Baker v. Carr and subsequent cases fundamentally changed the nature of poiltical representation in the United States.
nearly every state was required to redistrict during the 60s, often several times. This re-apportionment increased the political power of urban areas with greater population and reduced the influence of more rural areas.
The impact of America's wars on industrial production has varied dramatically, depending on the particular war and the stage of industrial development.
Hitler killed so many Jews but also many other races, he killed people tht he didn’t think fitted in his eyes as “perfect” and that would be y’all, blonde, and blue eyes. He hoped to accomplish killing all these people and just to have to satisfaction of being bigger than everyone.
The Olive Branch Petition was a message that was sent to King George III sent by the Second Continental Congress to assure the king of their loyalty to him and to Great Britain but made it clear that their rights as Americans shall be free.