Probably more than half of all the Bohemians in this city are cigarmakers, and it is the herding of these in great numbers in the so-called tenement factories, where the cheapest grade of work is done at the lowest wages, that constitutes at once their greatest hardship and the chief grudge of other workmen against them.
The women couldn't do nothing, while the man was in war they women had to stay back and work in the factories build weapons for the war. So by them doing the National Organization for Women is very important for them women because they have a right at what they want & believe in freedom to work when they want and do other things when they want so it is very important now
The main reason why the Federalists supported ratifying the constitution is because they believed it would make the United States more powerful and provide the new nation with desperately-needed credit.
During 9/11 George W Bush was president of the United States. He increased intervention by starting the war on terror.