Post War Failure Grudge
In October 1922, after threatening a march on Rome, Mussolini was offered the premiership. Within four years, he had subverted parliamentary rule, destroyed the Italian left, and established a one-party state with himself as Il Duce (The Leader).
Fascism was imitated in every European state. It traded on each country's grievances but also promised a bright utopian future. Militarism was a central feature of Fascist appeal, and thousands of young Europeans flocked into the movements and their paramilitary organizations.
In 1923, at the height of the European inflationary crisis, Adolf Hitler moved to imitate Benito Mussolini. In addition to planning a march on Berlin, he staged a coup in Munich on November 8-9 as a prelude to a national seizure of power. His putsch was suppressed, and Hitler was imprisoned. However, he emerged a year later, reestablished his leadership of the National Socialist movement, and launched a campaign of violent anti-Marxism side-by-side with a struggle for parliamentary seats. Both Mussolini and Hitler were unwilling to accept the postwar settlement. Their rhetoric suggested that a "new order" was needed to replace a liberal international system that they regarded as decadent.
He was the President, Andrew Johnson, of the United States.
Andrew Johnson was the first US President to be impeached. He held the President office from 1865 to 1869.
Plan of Reconstruction:
This plan was prepared by the President Lincoln and after his assassination, Andrew Johnson wanted to execute this plan. This plan was made to add the Southern state into union in late nineteenth century on the condition if the 10 percent voter would swore an oath of allegiance to the union.
Why he was impeached:
The President Andrew Johnson was impeached due to the plan of reconstruction and impeachment trail was started when he violated the <em>Tenure of Office Pact </em>that restrict the President from dismissing appointed officials without taking permission from Congress. He dismissed the Secretary of War from the cabinet.
1. Answer:
- W ramach obrony Hitler planował zaatakować sąsiednie kraje. Mając około 1,5 miliona żołnierzy, postanowił zacząć od pierwszego ataku na Polskę. Granica około 1750 mil była kontrolowana przez armię niemiecką.
- Zbombardowali wiele lotnisk w Polsce i uniemożliwili innemu krajowi ingerowanie w ich praktyki wojenne. Podpisali pakt z ZSRR. W którym oba kraje potajemnie postanowiły podzielić Polskę na dwie części.
- Niemcy wygrały wojnę i zajęły Polskę. Później postanowili zaatakować Danię, Norwegię, Belgię, Francję, Grecję,
- W wyniku tego spustoszenia Wielka Brytania i Francja połączyły ręce, aby walczyć z Niemcami i powstrzymać Hitlera.
2. Answer:
Hilter chciał etnicznie oczyścić Europę Wschodnią. Chciał, aby kraje te zostały skolonizowane przez Niemców. Nie ujawnił tego jednak otwarcie, dlatego stosując różne taktyki zainicjował wojnę z Polską. Miał agresywną politykę zagraniczną. Wkrótce po wygranej z Polską rozpoczął kampanię przeciwko Żydom i przedstawił światu straszne dni holokaustu.
<u>Kiedy League of Nation nie powstrzymała go przed pójściem dalej na wojnę, ówcześni politycy wpadli na nowy pomysł ułaskawienia Hitlera. Pozornie dałoby to Hitlerowi to, czego chce, i przestałby dalej wzmacniać wojnę.</u>
The Paris Peace Conference<span> and the Treaty of Versailles. The </span>Paris Peace Conference<span> convened in January 1919 at Versailles just outside </span>Paris<span>. ... Negotiations at the </span>Paris Peace Conference<span> were complicated. The United Kingdom,</span>France<span>, and Italy fought together as the Allied Powers during the First World War.</span>
The government has to let people believe whatever they want (freedom of religion)and write whatever they want(freedom of press)