I think your answer is A. "Each state would decide how many delegates it would be to Congress."
(I hope this helps!)
Answer: It is called Media
Hawaiian Feather Helmet
i) symbol of highest rank reserved for men of te chiefly class of Hawaii
ii) They are made from woven frame structure made from plant Freycinetia arborea and decorated with bird feathers. They use featherwork art techniques
iii) they are important to achieve feathering
Hoa Hakananai's Easter Island Statue
i) Hoa Hakananai's Easter Island Statue is carved similar to petroglyphs
ii) it was used for birdman ceremony. In Easter Island it was placed at southwestern tip of island
iii) carvings were added to its back
Bird-Shaped Pestle
i) Art of sculpture has been used. Pestle discusses the evolutionay tricks used by humans to spread into hostile environment
ii) it was used by farmers to grind the vegetable taro in mortar. It was decorated as it may have been a festive object
iii) It was used by farmers. It tells us how and when humans learned to settle and cultivate lands. That's how their eating habits and diet changed.
Hawaiian Feather Helmet: It was collected in 1778 by Captain Cook. Hats of such design are examples of traditional headgear in musuems around the world
Hoa Hakananai's Easter Island Statue is located in Brititish Museam in London. It was brought from Easter Island in Nov 1868
Bird-Shaped Pestle is a historical artefact thought to be used by early farmers in Papua New Guinea
-En el mundo del diseño, la composición es un elemento muy importante, esto es, la disposición de los distintos elementos dentro del espacio visual o formato de manera equilibrada y ordenada, con el fin de transmitir o comunicar un mensaje al público objetivo.
-Sin duda, los principios de diseño nos ayudarán a poder elegir y determinar la mejor imagen para lo que queremos transmitir al mundo exterior a través de nuestra marca. Por eso, hoy te vamos a contar cómo hacer que tu marca destaque entre el resto, de modo que mantente alerta a éstos.
espero y te ayude
Coiling – spiraling the materials around the bottom of the basket
Plaiting – uses strips of materials interlaced into a braid pattern