They wrote a new constitution in 1917 after a 7 year revolution against the former government. the constitution made many changes and the first constitution that was given social rights, rights for healthcare, the right for a place to live and lastly the right to work in any occupation that you want. all these right were given to the people of mexico.
hope this helps.
... plotted to assassinate him.
This was the famous "July Plot" of 1944, a plot by senior military officials to detonate a bomb that would kill Hitler. The briefcase bomb exploded, but Hitler himself sustained only minor injuries. (There were some other persons killed by the blast.) Those behind the plot believed Hitler was leading the nation to a catastrophic conclusion to the war, and wanted to replace his government in order to work out a manageable treaty with the Allies who fought against Germany.
Hitler's response was more of his unstable and maniacal approach. He had hundreds of people arrested on suspicion of conspiracy with the plot, and about 200 were tried and executed. Some of these executions by slow strangulation with piano wire were filmed for Hitler to be able to watch.
"Operation Valkyrie" was a name given to part of the plans against Hitler, and that name has become associated with the assassination plot overall. A film dramatization, called <em>Valkyrie, </em>was made about this in 2008.
It resulted in America going from a more agricultural based society to a whole new boom of textiles and other materials able to be made in America instead of made over seas . This industrialization resulted in a change in the economy for the United States
The is the highest court in the United States. Its decisions set precedents that all other courts then follow, and no lower court can ever supersede a Supreme Court decision. In fact, not even Congress or the president can change, reject or ignore a Supreme Court decision.
American law operates under the doctrine of stare decisis, which means that prior decisions should be maintained — even if the current court would otherwise rule differently — and that lower courts must abide by the prior decisions of higher courts. The idea is based on a belief that government needs to be relatively stable and predictable.