It was first the email system, and then the internet which gave us access to information despite taking longer time to respond, and then websites which helped business and private individuals, then mobile phones making communication easier, then social media where its about describing yourself and communicating through photos and stuff, then smartphones which not only helped in the communication system but also online banking, online shopping etc, and then Skype with which we can now have a video conference with colleagues and families no matter where they are.
East Germany was one combatant
The political system in Ancient Rome was based on competition with the ruling elite, the military was a key element to the political system of Ancient Rome that was generally based on competition within the ruling class. An individual social standing impacted their political and military roles. War was significant towards Roman expansion to the Northern Hemisphere, it was characterized by; grabbing of land, military might, strategic ability and political capabilities of the generals that determined their political leadership
The main reason why America's ties with the Allies were stronger than the ties with the Central Powers was because of economic reasons. The Allies purchased large amounts of weapons and war goods from the United States. Germany was developing its own weapons thus it didn't enlist for American supplies.