The Cold war has also affected us today by helping the West evade Communist rule; without intervention from The U.S. forces China and The Soviet Union might have conquered Europe and The U.S.. Finally, The Cold War helped form modern day friendships, alliances and hostilities between countries.
Answer is d. abolitionist
Wild Bactrian camels are very rare—at most, 950 remain in the wild, though this number may be much lower, since their broad habitat has made obtaining accurate population counts difficult.
There are two types of camels: dromedary camels, which have one hump, and Bactrian camels, which have two humps.Wild Bactrian, or two-humped, camels (Camelus bactrianus) are extraordinary creatures with a long and fascinating history. They have roamed the barren and rocky deserts of China and Mongolia for thousands of years. Both Bactrians and their one-humped cousins, the dromedaries (or Arabian camels [C. dromedarius], now extinct in the wild), originated in North America between 40 million and 45 million years ago.Wild Bactrian camels are very rare—at most, 950 remain in the wild, though this number may be much lower, since their broad habitat has made obtaining accurate population counts difficult. A number of human factors have contributed to their decline, including hunting for food and sport, as well as nuclear testing and illegal mining activity within their native habitats in Mongolia and China.
General Porfirio Díaz
General Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico from 1884-1911, the Mexican Revolution was from 1910-1920