They lived among the Hidatsa and Mandan Indians in the upper Missouri River area (present-day North Dakota). In November 1804, an expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark entered the area. ... Lewis and Clark met Charbonneau and quickly hired him to serve as interpreter on their expedition.
Industrial Revolution made unprecedented advances with agricultural and industrial changes. The following discoveries in technology made it all possible:
1. Agricultural revolution produced raw materials needed for establishing basic industries. New ways, techniques, and systems in agriculture were used;
2. Technology in industries was brought out. High demand and supply on manufacture goods were done with the use of machines.Transportation of raw materials needed by industries was traveled with the help of steam engine trains. The textile industries invented machines to process cotton and produce cloth. Metal industries created metal materials like pins, bullets, guns and machines.
To "scour" means to clear an area or region of enemies or outlaws (i.e. "scour the area for our enemies and make sure they are eliminated). To "search" is to examine an area or region with the intention of locating something or someone. "Scouring" involves locating and eliminating an enemy; to search is to simply locate someone or something.
Answer: Socialism refers to an economic and political system in which all factors of production are owned and controlled by the people.
Explanation: Socialism is based on economic and political theories that believes that production and distribution of goods and services are the sole responsibility of the people. The proponents of this theory does not believe in privately owned property, it should be owned by the community.
Communism is different from democratic socialism because communism in achieving their classless society idea through revolution, while democratic socialism has more flexible and subtle idea.
Secondly, Communism gives zero tolerance to private property. All properties are collectively owned and each person is allocated to, according to their needs while democratic socialism still give individual rights to own property.
had proven that Germany and mexico were allies
also promised that if war was the break out with the US, Germany promised to mexico their lost territory.