Read the excerpt from Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique. But the actual unhappiness of the American housewife was suddenly b
eing reported—from The New York Times and Newsweek to Good Housekeeping and CBS television (“The Trapped Housewife”), although almost everybody who talked about it found some superficial reason to dismiss it. Which best describes the connotation of the word “superficial” in the excerpt?
The Feminine Mystique, written by Betty Friedan, came to be published in 1963, at the epitome of the women´s fight for the right to vote and to be seen as something more than a simple breeder and housewife. In fact, Friedan, a psychologist, begins an ardous task of interviewing women in the United States around the 1950´s and 1960´s because she starts noticing that unlike the image being painted in the media of the happy woman who is a mother and housewife vs the unhappy woman who has a career, the reality is totally different. Her research comes together as an article that she wishes to publish, but nobody does, so in the end, she makes it into a book. One of the purposes of the information and results gathered in this book is to show the level of superficiality with which the media and society at large portray the happy woman of their time, implying that no woman who wants to pursue a career over marriage is happy. So, the superficiliaty that Friedan mentions here in her excerpt makes allusion to the frivolous way in which society received her findings on the true matter of unhappiness in married women who are also housewifes.
Service provision protests are able to show the responsibilities that youth must assume not only with the institution to which they belong, but also with a community that depends on these services. Therefore, the protests must have the objective of claiming these services, but this claim must be done in an exemplary, peaceful and progressive way. This allows the youth to see protests as something beneficial and not something that destroys and causes problems.
I do not have fun when I am sent on errands. Errands are busy-work and I am already an extremely busy person! When I go on an errand, I get in there and I get it done. I try to complete my objective as fast as possible.