I thnk it means Look at that big fish or look how big that fish is
To gain a higher grade in speaking and writing exams one tip is to use a good variety of connecting words and phrases which will help you sound more natural. These connecting words will link parts of a sentence together to make them more complex, earning you extra marks!
Tip: Try to use a wide range of connecting words and phrases rather than sticking to the same one all the time. This shows the examiner that you have a wide range of vocabulary at your fingertips.
jddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd back at u
Los substantivos son como cosas como lapiz, borrador, llanta, camion esos son substantivos.
1. Motocicleta, calle casco
los substantivos abstrales son:
1. Arena, Mar
los substantivos no contables son:
1. Corazon, Tristesa, Felicidad miedo
la tercera te dare UN ejemplo es
jefe de la empresa en la que trabajo traficaba drogas al extranjero