The bright sun beamed down on me as I stepped outside to the very humid weather, I automatically started to sweat and get a very oily feeling on my skin.I stepped onto the concrete and I automatically burnt my foot, if I kept my foot on there any longer I would have probably melted it off.I wiped the sweat from my brow and sighed, I put on my flip flops and grabbed the trash bag and the sun flashed a ray of sunlight onto my back, once I got inside, I realized my air conditioner was broken, I sighed in anger and kicked off my shoes. My back was soaked in sweat and sunburnt. I think I’d rather live in the North Pole…
--This is about 105 words
The poet uses strong verbs to create rhythm and to develop the meaning of the poem. They use alliteration. They use it in one-syllable words such as "burn, break, blow." This creates a kind of beat and rhythm in the poem. It also emphasizes the meaning of those words. There was also a lot of "me" in the sonnet. In the line, "Your viceroy in me, me should defend, uses repetition in "me" to emphasize it and to prove a good flow into the next line. This is only a couple of ways in which poets can create rhythm and develop meaning in their poems.
To have strong feeling for someone that u want top be with till death
After the mistress stopped teaching him, he already knew the alphabet. He made friends with all the little white boys whom he met on the street, and took a book with him on every errand.He traded a bread in return for a lesson of education