The capital {city — note: the spelling is: "capital} of Massachusetts is, in fact, Boston.
Note that the word spelled: "capitol" ; refers to a building.
Cold and harsh winters exist in this region, which is known for large cities and universities.
The Northeast of the United States is the most developed and most densely populated region of the country. This regions is by far the smallest of the five major regions of the United States. The Northeast region borders Canada on its north, the Atlantic Ocean on its east, the Southeast region on its south, and the Great Lakes area from the Midwest region in its west.
The climate in this part of the country is known for its fresh and pleasant summers. There is solid amount of precipitation throughout the year. The winters tend to be very cold and harsh, with temperatures often going below -30 C degrees, and intense snowfall being a common occurrence.
As mentioned, this region is very densely populated. The main reason for this is that it is the economic center of the United States, so there are large urban areas in it, and the landscape is dominated by settlements. Some of the largest cities in the Northeast are new York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Buffalo.
There are also numerous student towns in the area, mostly on places further away from the large urban areas. Millions of students visit these universities each year, and they are predominantly with very high reputation.
The answer would be : <span>volcanism.
Hope this helps !
an agreement between countries covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty.
trying to make others believe something else