I love lucy and the lone ranger and the red skelton show. (I watch I Love Lucy all the time. Amazing and funny show!)
In his inaugural address in 1861, Jefferson Davis outlined the reasons why the Southern states ought to split from the North. They were a farming state that thrived thanks to the labor provided by the black states.
The Ethiopians surrounded the Italians for two weeks and, upon Empress Tayitu's advice, cut off the fort's water supply. The Italian commander agreed to surrender if they would be allowed to leave with their firearms. Menelik agreed that they could leave the garrison unharmed.
The answer is Emperor Hulagu. He sent wanted the Caliph (Al-Musta'sim) to demanded him to surrender the Capital. He promised to continue a governance and security to the land. However, Caliph (Al-Musta'sim), did not agree to Hulagu's terms and demands. T<span>he Caliph (Al Musta'sim) refused despite the weak military condition of his territory. Hulago made an embargo on Baghdad and soon entered the city and killed Abbasi caliph (Al-Musta'sim ).</span>
After <em>World War II </em>Korea got divided into Northern Communist state backed by U.R.S.S. and a Southern Capitalist state supported by U.S.A.
The Korean War started on June 1950 when North Korea supported by the Soviet Union crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded South Korea.
75,000 North Korean soldiers moved across the boundary and overran South Korea; thus North Koreans took control of of Seoul; thereby (d).