in State constitutions.
State constitutions are the set of rules and laws that govern the states and counties of the United States.
There is the national constitution, which governs the entire country, and the state constitution, which is prepared by each American state with its own laws and guidelines, but always following the precepts provided for in the national constitution. This document is subject to changes and amendments that guarantee updates to the envisaged laws.
Therefore, any internal government authority will govern a region based on the laws provided for in the national and state constitution.
Why was what a problem with him???
Many of his most famous works were banned.
Since his writing denigrated everything from organized religion to the justice system, Voltaire ran up against frequent censorship from the French government. A good portion of his work was suppressed, and the authorities even ordered certain books to be burned by the state executioner. To combat the censors, Voltaire had much of his output printed abroad, and he published under a veil of assumed names and pseudonyms. His famous novella “Candide” was originally attributed to a “Dr. Ralph,” and he actively tried to distance himself from it for several years after both the government and the church condemned it. Despite his best attempts to remain anonymous, Voltaire lived in almost constant fear of arrest. He was forced to flee to the French countryside after his “Letters Concerning the English Nation” was released in 1734, and he went on to spend the majority of his later life in unofficial exile in Switzerland.
Despite the Great Depression , culture in the 1930s both commercial and funded by New Deal programs as part of the relief effort, flourished
1st learn how to spell 2nd its formation of labor unions