it is a master piece literature and a collection of stories about 24 by geoffery chocver. it contains a series of tales told by the travellers. canterbury is a religious place where lies the grave of a priest,thomas a becket. there were all together 30 travellent each of them have to tell 2 stories while going and 2 stories while returning. however,there are only 24 stories and out of them 4 are incomplete. the poems remains incomplete because of geoffery chocver died in 1400 A.D. the travellers include the merchants,the lawyers,the cook,the garmmers,the Carpenter,priest,knight,scholar,servent,e.t.c. geoffery chocver has included all the people of the society to make his poem real and lower class.
What is the Structure of the Canterbury Tales. Canterbury Tales is a collection of tales written by the late fourteenth-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer. The tales are presented in a format of stories told at a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims on their way to the cathedral of Canterbury.
i use to but i am retired i was a pro and i was good till the wolf came lost all my fans and my wife and kids i may be registered as a 12 year old but an am 27 years old