Answer: wind instruments, such as the flute.
Gregor hates his job for numerous reasons: he dislikes traveling every day to work, he dislikes the job itself, the inferior meals, the ever changing faces... But he has to continue working because his parents owe Gregor's boss money.
hope this helps....
Answer:One of Us Is Next takes readers back to Bayview High a year after Simon's death, and no one's been able to satisfy the gossip hunger quite like he could. ... In One of Us Is Next, fans will learn what the Bayview Four are up to and meet intriguing new characters who will keep them turning the pages.
If they ask you about yourself, just start with what qualities you like about yourself.
TIP: Make eye contact and portray a confident appearance, like don't slouch and mumble, speak clear and sit straight, be on time, be prepared, and know what you're saying.
The correct answer is C.
The comic tone of the play is solely given by the characters' calm reaction to the the huge fire that is surely to burn down the whole hotel.
If the characters were to react like normal people would -screaming and panicking- the play would lose its whole essense.