<span>In the spoils system political appointments or jobs in the civil service are granted by the Victor of an election or vote. The victor normally gives position an power to his friends, family or political allies who helped him or her win the election as a reward and incentive for working for the party.</span>
3rd Parties do not have a lot of members, do not have huge rallies, are not very "out there", are not filmed by the media often, are not often publized. One example is the Green Party which is a liberal party.
George Wallace of the American Independent Party won at least one state.
Martin Van Buren in 1848 is a good example f someone who was popular but won 0 elector votes
Some possible new ideas could be:
LGBTQ Have the same military rights as everyone else.
New regulations for who can qualify to be in the presidential race.
Or, A whole new layout for the United States.
Hope this helps!
Wyoming was the first state for woman to receive full stuffrage