“There are no bad children, just bad parents”. The importance of Parents in one’s life is quite evident from this eminent quotation. Parenthood is a responsible venture and there’s no debate on that topic.
In this fast-paced era, it is quite difficult for parents to mark their presence in their children’s life.
Millennial children who are exposed to versatilities of distractions find it difficult to find connection with the ordinary. Not to mention children are quite blinded by the reign of the virtual world.
Parents play a pivotal role in their children’s life. They are the pillars of support, guidance, and love. Family is where life begins and love never ends. No matter how old a child gets there’s nothing more comforting and soothing than their parent's arms.
The role of parents in a child’s life is beyond the idea of prompting.
Parenting takes action long before a child’s birth and eventually parents become their children’s alter ego and vice-versa. There is nobody like them who can shape and mould a child’s behavior and development.
D is the most appropriate thesis statement for a literary analysis paper. D explains the literary elements used along with a portion of the story's plot.
Okay the first one I saw was on
4) Public funding of schools should depend on the level of knowledge of students. If students learn good, school will receive much money.
4) Public funding of schools should depend on the level of knowledge of the students. If the students do well in their lessons, the school will receive money.
other than that it looks good! Good Job and have an amazing day! Good luck. :D
I can't answer all of these, it's had for me to on my phone, but the first one is A