During the 15th Century, Western Europe’s social class system comprised the
1. King: The king was the absolute head of the ruling system. The king was in charge of divide the land among the monarchy and the church. Also, he was the one that named lords and knights. Moreover, all the members of the kingdom had to pay the king for the right to use the land through money or goods.
2. Lords: This class was made of powerful landowners and the heads of the church. On the one hand, the king was in charge of providing financial aid to the members of this class. On the other hand, both lords and church members rewarded this help to the king by keeping the population under control and ensuring the loyalty towards him.
3. Knights: They were the last link in the chain of nobility. Basically, they were in charge of ensuring the land control of the lords and of providing military aid to the monarchy.
4. Bourgeoisie: During the 15th Century, a new social class appeared in Europe: the bourgeoisie. This class was neither part of the monarchy nor the church. In fact, the bourgeoisie comprised merchants and agricultural industrials.
5. Peasants: They were the last part of the social class system. Most of the peasants were farmers and worked on the lands that were the property of the king or the lords, for that reason they had to pay for the use of it. Therefore, they lived in extreme poverty.
The Marshall Plan rebuilt European countries' economies after the devasation of World War II.
The "Marshall Plan" was named after the man who then was US Secretary of State, George C. Marshall. Officially the plan was called the European Recovery Program. Marshall announced the plan in 1947, and it went into effect in 1948. The intent was to provide aid and rebuilding to European economies after the damaging effects of World War II. Eastern bloc countries, however, rejected the plan, so it ended up as a plan that benefited Western European nations and not Eastern European nations.
In his speech introducing the plan, Secretary Marshall had said: "Our policy is not directed against any country, but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Any government that is willing to assist in recovery will find full co-operation on the part of the United States. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist."
The view in the communist-controlled Eastern bloc was that the US was trying to use such a policy to spread its influence and threaten their patterns of government under communism. So the plan ended up building allies for the US in Western Europe, while the Eastern European countries sided with the Soviet Union.
If a child is taught that a 4 legged furry animal is a dog, when it sees a cat it may assumes that is a dog as well because it assimilates four legs and fur with dogs.
She had the longest reign of any other female ruler. She is also considered one of the greatest ruler of Egyptian history.