<span>Pax Romana, ( Latin: “Roman Peace”) a state of
comparative tranquillity throughout the Mediterranean world from the
reign of Augustus (27 bce–14 ce) to the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161
–180 ce). Augustus laid the foundation for this period of concord, which
also extended to North Africa and Persia</span>
There are no options given, but historically speaking it was the invention of "Cotton Gin".
A cotton gin was a revolutionary invention which enabled people to
easily separate cotton fibers and seeds; previously it used to take a large
time sorting it manually. The inventor behind this was <span>Eli Whitney. The processing was made easy but
still slaves were needed to grow cotton.</span>
Schattschneider argued the political system is structured in favor of "the most educated and highest-income members of society", and showed that "the difference between those who participate in interest group activity and those who stand at the sidelines is much greater that between voters and nonvoters.
Those who do not participate in political activities are the ones who do not have adequate resources to compete,not that they are waiting for others to do the job for them.
Archaeologists investigate and preserve ancient artefacts. Archaeologists do not sell and do not keep artefacts. <span />