The various feeding programs, the government provides to alleviate poverty is a) SNAP b) WIC c) TEFAP d) CSFP e) CACFP f) NSLP g) SFSP
"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" or SNAP- gives monthly supplements to purchase foods of nutritional value.
"Woman, Infant and Children"- supports breast-feeding, pregnant, infants and children up to 5 years
"The Emergency Food Assistance Program" or TEFAP- gives supplements with emergency food assistance for free to low income earning Americans.
"The Commodity Supplemental Food Program" or CSFP- gives supplements to citizens of 60 age and above
"The Child and Adult Food Care program" or CACFP- gives food assistance to mentally affected adults
"The National School Lunch program" or NSLP - gives the food of nutritional value to kids at school each day
"The Summer Service Food program" or SFSP- gives free food to young people in low income areas