<em>Rain forests provide important ecological services, including storing hundreds of billions of tons of carbon, buffering against flood and drought, stabilizing soils, influencing rainfall patterns, and providing a home to wildlife and indigenous people. Rain forests are also the source of many useful products upon which local communities depend.
<em>While rain forests are critically important to humanity, they are rapidly being destroyed by human activities. The biggest cause of deforestation is conversion of forest land for agriculture. In the past subsistence agriculture was the primary driver of rain forest conversion, but today industrial agriculture — especially mono-culture and livestock production — is the dominant driver of rain forest loss worldwide. Logging is the biggest cause of forest degradation and usually proceeds deforestation for agriculture.</em>
Farming/rotational grazing
Right, so it's 9pm where I'm at right now and I'm exhausted from writing all day, so this answer's gonna be really brief. I hope you don't mind and that it's at least somewhat helpful.
Global warming is just a side effect of a much larger problem, which is climate change. Climate change is when some areas get hotter and some areas colder because of the disrupted weather patterns. It can't be stopped, because the climate will fluctuate over time. What can be changed is how extreme these changes are. Today human beings are not the cause of climate change, but we are contributing to it from all the gases we release into the air.
An unexpected - but possible - solution could lie in effective horticulture. Search up "Scott Strough Red Baron Project".
What Mr. Strough's project aims to do essentially is grow plants and nurture soil in such a way that carbon can be sucked from the atmosphere. This will make healthier soil and healthier crops, while also mitigating the effects of climate change, solving two problems at once. That's the basic gist of it.
Hope this answer helps you. Sorry I couldn't make it longer.
Unitary government:
1) Citizens elects a party into power. The head of the elected party will become the Prime Minister.
Federal system
1) Citizens elect their leaders by voting said individual to the position he/she is vying for like President, Senator, Governor, Representatives,etc.
2) Citizens are free to run for government office providing they pass the requirements of such position.
3) Citizens can veto the bill that the legislation is reviewing. They can write to their representative and state their reasons why they are against the passing of the bill..
1) Citizens role are limited.
*There aren't many online articles about citizens' role in a confederate government.
~Hello there! ^_^
Your question: How many major peninsulas does Europe have..?
Your answer: The following are Europe's major peninsula:
1) Jutland
2) Scandinavian
3) Balkan
4) Italian
5) Iberian
Hope this helps! :D