Since this is a listening and comprehension exercise, I cannot answer for you.
But I can give you some tips so you can answer it yourself.
First you must familiarize yourself with the vocabulary so that when listening to it you can easily recognize it.
From what I could find online, the questions are the following:
1. Les vas a servir frijoles a los clientes? (/)
2. Les vas a servir langosta a los clientes? (/)
3. Les vas a servir espárragos a los clientes? (/)
4. Les vas a servir papas fritas a los clientes? (/)
5. Les vas a servir salmón a los clientes? (/)
6. Les vas a servir arroz a los clientes?
These are all items that the chef will serve: beans, lobster, asparagus, french fries, salmon, rice.
You should probably <u>listen until you identify whether the question is yes or no.</u>