Generally speaking, Japan was becoming an Imperial power right before ww 2. They were waging war on China and Manchuria; and some other island nations. Therefore weakening Japan's steel supply was aimed to slow down their momentum.
<span>the United States, along with England and The U.S.S.R., was helping the Chinese.
</span><span>japan had entered into war with the Chinese before war was declared in Europe. </span> Japan captured Manchuria and five other northern provices of China. The Japanese<span>e ,wanted to stop all aid to China from the Allies and the United States. This</span>request was turned down and the U.S. put an embargo on Japan. Japan was angered at this because they relied on the United States for many products that helped,their war effort, for example steel. Japan retaliated with the bombing of Pearl,Harbor on December 7, 1941. The Japanese attacked with six aircraft carriers.The U.S. lost eight battleships, three cruisers, four destroyers, five other <span>ships, and 188 airplanes. U.S. casualties were 2,400 killed and 1,000 injured.</span>
The Four Marks of the Church, also known as the Attributes of the Church, is a term describing four distinctive adjectives—"One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic"—of traditional Christian ecclesiology as expressed in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed completed at the First Council of Constantinople in AD 381: