Near the end of the Ming Dynasty in 1616, Manchurian forces from northeastern Asia defeated the Ming army and occupied several cities on China's northern border. A full-scale invasion followed. China was defeated in 1644, with Emperor Shunzhi establishing the Qing Dynasty
Germans represented an important group in the demography of Pennsylvania during the second part of the 18th century. Throughout these years, they gradually started to increase their involving in politics, occupying more seats in the Pennsylvania Assembly in the period of 1758 to 1775.
Once the rumors of independence started appearing, they openly supported these ideas, as they had their own religious beliefs (Lutheran Church) that differed from those of the British. This motivation was translated to their political efforts and further participation in the war.
King William III and Queen Mary II came from the Netherlands.
The Roman philosophy of stoicism promoted "self-control," since it was thought that if a person allowed to many emotions to take control this would lead to bad decision-making.