well in "mice and men" sence lennie did brake a girls neck not meaning to so his friend had to shot him, lennie is not all thier, Lennie's personality is like that of a child
C- the person the private investigator is spying on is home
He is looking for his wife.
The men tell him they have not seen her and he begins asking about Slim instead, eventually leaving the bunkhouse to look for him.
He is suspicious that something might be going on between Slim and his wife and he does not trust her, since she tends to flirt with the other workers. He is insecure.
BOX 1: I think the point of the cartoon is to explain why climate change is somewhat ignored. The cartoon shows that people know climate change is a problem but, not worth fixing.
BOX 2: I disagree with this cartoon. I believe climate change is a serious problem and is worth fixing.